Final Post of the School Year!

Hi, it’s me hmsshayann. Wow, this is the last post of my time as a 6th grader! This year was so amazing, going into middle school and learning about Edublogs and more!

1. What you enjoyed the most this school year

What I enjoyed the most this school year was going into Middle School. I really enjoyed feeling older. I mean just because I’m in a different building than the elementary, but encountering different things. Like the new teachers, new schedule, new students, and homework. Meeting the new teachers was cool. I now have 4 teachers instead of 2 and all of my teachers are truly amazing. I couldn’t do it without all of them. The classes are different but they are fun. This year was special because I got to be in Middle School with the people I knew since like pre-k or kindergarten. But I also got to meet new students. I think this was an amazing year. But some students are moving. But it will still be a great year, but we can’t forget about them. They were a big part of my life and I will never forget them.

2. What you would have changed if you could redo this school year

If I could redo this school year it would be in trimester 1, 2, 3. I would like to redo these trimesters because, for the choice electives, I really enjoyed them. For trimester 1 we got to go to Make – Wish – Hawaii, which was cool. In trimester 2, we got to make costumes for the school play which was Cinderella Jr. In trimester 3, we got to do block printing. It was so cool and I wish I could do it again. They were so much fun and I was grateful to do amazing things for my class and many more. I hope this coming up year will be as amazing as this past year was.These past 3 trimesters were amazing and I can’t wait for what next rimesters bring!

3. What you’re looking forward to next school year

What I’m looking forward to next year are the new 6th graders. Some of them I know and I’m good friends with. Also, if there are new students in my class, I can’t wait for who comes. I can’t wait to see my friends again after summer if I’m not able to see them in the summer. I’m going to miss some of the people who are moving. It’s not going to the same without them. But I can’t wait for what the year brings and I hope it’s amazing. I also can’t wait for what 7th grade brings and I know it will be hard but it will still be fun and another that I can’t forget.

Until then, bye



SBC Week 10 – Farewell!

Hi, it’s me hmsshayann, and today I will be answering some questions that have been asked for this weeks SBC. I can’t believe this might be the last SBC for my time as a 6th – grader.

Part 1 –

  1. How many posts did I do, well I did 20 posts counting this one that I’m doing right now. I have 8 school-based blogs. There are 10 blogs that are my own interests. How I could improve my posts in the future is to add more featured images to my posts.
  2. I’ve received 4 comments in all and I’ve replied to all of the comments. There was 1 person that I Didn’t know but she commented, and there are 3 classmates that commented. The blog that received the most comments was SCB Week 9: My Bucket List. I think it got the most comments because I thought that the people who commented on that blog had some of the same interests.
  3. I visited about 10 -15 other blogs. One of them was Clarie Louise’s Fantabulous Blog. The reason why I visited her blog because, we had some similar interests, and her blog was so cool to look at. It was eye-catching to me.
  4. The post that I enjoyed the most was SBC Week 9: My Bucket List because it was fun to see what I wanted to before I die. That way if anyone comments, maybe there is something that we have in common. It was cool to realize that there is a lot of things that I want to do.
  5. I didn’t change any blog themes because I liked what I have and, I thought it was nice to me.
  6. I have 5 widgets. I think have enough widgets because I think 5 is good enough. I think it’s enough to learn about other bloggers.
  7. There are 3 people overseas in my blogroll.
  8. I used google images.

Part 2 –

  1. My parent first impression was it looks professional. My dad said, how did I create this. Asked if I used a template.
  2. What captured his attention was the background of my blog. It was colorful. There were balloons in different colors. It was from the movie Up.
  3. What distracted him was the format of how my blogs were set up on the home page. When he read the blog, the grammar was thrown off. He didn’t know that there were bullet points. Until he clicked on the title, then it expanded to show the full blog.
  4. Doubble check my grammar, little make it more detailed, use different words, expand my words, and quickly respond to the comments as fast or quickly as I can.

Until then, bye


SBC Week 9: My Bucket List

Hi, it’s me hmsshayann, and today I will tell you a little bit about my bucket list.

My Bucket List:

  • Travel all around the world
  • Meet superstars from T.V shows, YouTube, or from Instagram
  • Go scuba diving/snorkeling
  • Fly in a hot air balloon
  • See the Northern Lights
  • Take hip-hop lessons in L.A
  • Act in a T.V show or a movie
  • Go deep into the heart of Mother Nature
  • Fly in a helicopter

I want to accomplish all of the things because I want to have a lot of fun and enjoy my time on Earth. They all seem so much fun to see, experience and do. I want to travel around the world because my grandparents have been to many places around the world and it is very pretty to see the pictures. I want to meet superstars because it seems a lot of fun to see people that you would see on Instagram, Youtube, or T.V shows. Go scuba diving because it seems cool to go underwater and see all the beautiful ocean animals and more. I would like to fly in a Hot Air Balloon because the view is amazing and, I’ve never been in the air without like any walls like an airplane.

I would like to see the Northern Lights because the pictures on the internet look so pretty and I would like to see them in person. I also want to take hip-hop lessons in L.A because, on Instagram, I’ve seen many cool videos and they are either at a place called Playground LA or Millennium Dance Complex . I’m really inspired by this one dancer and she is around my age, maybe about 8 months older than me. She is really good in my opinion. I also would like to act in a T.V show or a movie because I like to act and it seems a lot of fun even though you have to memorize your lines and say it in a front of people.

Going deeper into Mother Nature means to explore what Mother Nature created for us to explore and learn about. I want to see waterfalls and just enjoy what is there because maybe one day, it might not be there and I didn’t have the chance to see it. I would like to hike a mountain and see the awesome view. I bet it would be spectacular because I’ve seen pictures and they are amazing. I would like to see the view in person, not just in photos that people took. I also would like to fly in a helicopter because in movies it looks fun and I also think the view is awesome. I hope that I get to accomplish some of the things on my bucket list because that would be amazing and my dreams will come true.

Scuba Diving 

Until then, bye
