Monthly Posts (3)

Hi everyone,

Like last month, I will be talking about 3 posts.

The first post I will be talking about is SBC Week 6: A-Z Science Words and Definitions. I think that this was one of the posts that involved science. In my opinion, I think we need to do more posts about science. Science is a cool subject that I would like to write, learn, and experience more often. I think that science is the subject of trial and error. There is a lot of things that I would learn like, why is the earth round, and how rockets work. I feel that science is important to learn more about. Science can be difficult and fun. Like I said, I think science is a trial and error.

The challenge was to create a list from A-Z with science words. Now keeping in mind 26 words. We had to find a word that starts with the letter. Like for S, you could put Saturn. So we would do the same thing for all of the letters. It was a long activity because we needed to find a word that starts with each of those letters. I learned some new words that I never knew until I did the activity. Then we had to write the definitions of each of those words. I also learned the words and the definitions of words that I didn’t know.

I really liked the challenge because I learned new words and what they mean. It was a long process, but I’m glad that I got to learn something new. I hope that there will be a challenge that have to do with science because I really liked the challenge. Science is something to learn that is important.

That’s all of today,




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